Kids Chiropractic: Is it Safe?

Chiropractic care is safe and effective for people of all ages who are suffering from musculoskeletal based issues. Kids chiropractic care has been criticised previously. However, the Safer Care Victoria review performed in 2019 it found that from the 21,874 public submissions made there were no reports of harm, with 99.7% of public submissions reporting positive experiences with the chiropractic care of their child (under 12 years of age) and 98% of responses showed that chiropractic spinal care helped their child. (1) At BBChiro our practitioners have extensive experience treating children with good results. While you may be asking yourself 'Is chiropractic safe for kids?’, the short answer is yes, it is. Of course, there are other factors that come into play which is why (just like with an adult patient) your child will receive an extensive examination to determine if they would benefit from chiropractic care for kids. The Approach to Kids Chiropractic It’s important to note tha...