Kids Chiropractic: Is it Safe?

Kids Chiropractic: Is it Safe?

Chiropractic care is safe and effective for people of all ages who are suffering from musculoskeletal based issues. Kids chiropractic care has been criticised previously. However, the Safer Care Victoria review performed in 2019 it found that from the 21,874 public submissions made there were no reports of harm, with 99.7% of public submissions reporting positive experiences with the chiropractic care of their child (under 12 years of age) and 98% of responses showed that chiropractic spinal care helped their child. (1)

At BBChiro our practitioners have extensive experience treating children with good results. While you may be asking yourself 'Is chiropractic safe for kids?’, the short answer is yes, it is. Of course, there are other factors that come into play which is why (just like with an adult patient) your child will receive an extensive examination to determine if they would benefit from chiropractic care for kids.

The Approach to Kids Chiropractic

It’s important to note that with kids chiropractic the treatment approach is different to that of an adolescent or adult patient. Kid chiropractic techniques are very gentle and the general chiropractic techniques of “cracking and popping” joints is never applied to children. It is the assessment that would be somewhat similar.

Areas of the spine and extremity joints would be examined and taken through their respective ranges of motion to determine if there are areas that are restricted or producing pain responses. If so, those areas would be treated accordingly using gentle pressure via the hand or with a device known as an activator, which produces a quick but shallow movement. Sometimes it may also be the soft tissues surrounding the joints that could be restricting movements or joint motion. This may be due to tightness or pain arising from these tissues. The approach to treating this would be similar to how an adolescent or adult would be treated with pressure applied to soft tissues or trigger points within the soft tissue structures to try and relieve pain and tightness. Other approaches such as gentle stretching and massage may also be applied to further alleviate symptoms.

Why Parents Seek Kids Chiropractic

One of the most common reasons a parent may consider seeking out kids chiropractic care is due to something known as Colic; which is described as prolonged or intense fussiness in a healthy infant. Essentially, this means that your child has been deemed healthy and well by a medical professional such as a paediatrician. However, for some other reason they are showing consistent signs of distress. If your child has colic and it does not appear to be resolving, it could be worthwhile to consider a trial of kids chiropractic care. A recent systematic review performed showed there was moderate-low quality evidence showing that manual therapy had a meaningful impact on the reduction of crying time in infants and babies. (2)

Kids Chiropractic

Of course, there are more reasons to seek out chiropractic care for your child other than colic. Chiropractors can play an active role in monitoring development, motor skills, and wellbeing through assessments. While musculoskeletal issues in kids are classically self-resolving, if there is sustained discomfort or pain it may be time to seek out a BBChiro team member for an assessment to determine if chiropractic care for kids may be of benefit. Our team is courteous, transparent, and honest: If we do not think we can be of assistance, we will make the best recommendation we can to help you and your children feel better, faster. 


(2), Ellwood J, Draper-Rodi J, Carnes DComparison of common interventions for the treatment of infantile colic: a systematic review of reviews and guidelinesBMJ Open 2020;10:e035405. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035405


  1. Deep massage therapy is a type of massage therapy that targets the deeper layers of
    muscles and connective tissue. It is also referred to as deep-tissue or Swedish-style
    massage. This type of bodywork focuses on areas where there are muscle knots or
    adhesions, which may be causing pain, restricted movement, and other physical symptoms.
    care chiropractic


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